How to start keto - for beginners

Are you looking to make a lifestyle change?

I know so many people, me included, who battle with weight issues, health issues or overall confidence issues and diet is a way to combat all of these! Allot of people take keto extremely serious, some do dirty keto. It is up to you and what results you want to see.

If your new to keto and are really interested in getting started, start here and give this low carb diet a go!

What is the keto diet you ask?

It is short for ketogenic diet, it’s a nutrient rich lower carb, moderate-high protein and healthy fat diet that results in nutritional ketosis. This is how you switch your body from being a sugar burner, into being a fat burner. Honestly, what more could you want when trying to loose weight?

Being in ketosis is the best way to boost your energy levels, 3 pm slump anyone, and burn your body fat! There are also health benefits to gain from following this diet!

what is ketosis?

Ketosis is the process your body takes on to start burning fat stores as it’s number one source of fuel, instead of carbohydrates, as we all think! I remember having being fueled up on carbs, pasta was my number once choice, before any sport event the night before!

Getting started with the keto diet is about changing the macronutrients in your diet to go into a state of nutritional ketosis.

To know when you are in ketosis, you have 3 tests

  • Blood testing

  • Breath Meter

  • Urine Strips

Next up - how to actualy get to ketosis?

To get into a state of ketosis, you need to maintain a state of ketosis! Sounds harder than what it is!

You need to limit your total net carb intake! To calculate this, in simple form, deduct the fibre content from the total carbs in your food! There are alot of macro calculator’s available to download, which will make life alot easier! you can also set your own personal goals and thresholds. Something to remember on your journey, grab some blue tack and pop it in your pantry - CARBS ARE A LIMIT, PROTEIN IS A GOAL!

Starting keto is easy, maintaining the diet is where allot of people fall off the wagon! You need to stay in ketosis to actualy loose the weight. You need to go into this diet accepting that you are changing your eating habits one meal at a time and leaving behind the food that simply just is not working for you!

Starting keto in this millenial era is alot easier than you can imagine. We at Flour and Dough have 4 baking mixes made keto! Out of these 4 baking mixes you can make a variety of great foods to help curb the cravings! Keto bread, keto crackers, keto bagels, keto biscuits, keto stuffing, keto crumbs and the list is endless!

Clean keto and dirty keto

Clean keto is a term used when focusing more on the quality of foods but still staying in the guidelines of your daily carb intake. In simple words, wholefoods are prioritised when adding it to your daily carb intake instead of refined and processed foods!

It is so much better for you and your health when trying to reach your goals by eating nutrient dense foods than going for your favorite take out!

Wholefoods should be what you consume the majority of the time, having a sneaky take out once in a while is not something you should avoid, but most definately dont overdo it!

These treats and processed foods are exactly that, a treat, and you should keep that in mind when planning out your diary! Keep these meals to special occasions and stick to your goals!

No one has ever benefitted from eating processed, sugary foods! In actual fact these foods are triggers to make you hungry and make you crave more!

Dirty keto is something different, I have never been able to follow this diet, but some follow the dirty or lazy keto with great success. In simple terms, a dirty keto follower can meet their daily macros by eating fast food!

By using this method, you most likely wont be eating a single vegetable, a good piece of protein or having your food swimming in unhealthy oils. You most likely will be eating out and not making your own food. Again, alot of people get to where they want to be, health and or weight loss, by using this keto diet.

Use this guide to start your keto journey and keep an eye out for more articles on this topic! Flour & Dough have perfected the baking mixes for you, to have your breakfast, lunch and dinner with low carb bread, bagels or how ever you please to bake it up!


Keto Pizza - from a baking mix


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